There are two kinds of emptiness I feel right now. First: the empty, hollow emptiness, which feels like hot air, like a vacuum of non-existence. A denying of being, a block to the flow of life. Second: the full emptiness,
Feeling Good
There is a very fine line between feeling good and not feeling good. Between a glass that is half full and a glass that is half empty. It’s a matter of angle and perspective. A very tiny variation of angle
A New Self
I have a feel good, ease and flow mental background noise I feel at ease inside and outside myself I consciously create my life and see it clearly My life has a constant inner and outer luminosity I naturally have
Nothing is broken
We are not broken, we are evolving beings in an expanding evolving universe. The world is not broken. All the things happening on Earth are part of a much bigger picture. Everything is right on time. Everything in the whole
We will never find the smallest particle of matter and we’ll never find the edge of the universe
“We will never find the smallest particle of matter and we’ll never find the edge of the universe, because the act of us searching is an act of creation that will always place something there for us to see.” John
Subliminal background noise
I can sense a kind of background noise in my mind. It’s even subtler than the usual chitchat the mind is doing with itself. It’s a kind of baseline noise broadcasting to me and to the Universe the sum total