Having had the priviledge to train with Hal and Sidra Stone in Holland and California and through the years gained a lot of experience, I am happy to offer Voice Dialogue sessions in Luxembourg. The sessions can be in English, French, German or Luxembourgish. I offer sessions locally and over Skype. Please contact me via email.

Here a few general information about voice dialogue taken from voicedialogueinternational.com


1998 training with Hal & Sidra in Holland

  • The Psychology of Selves provides a clear explanation of how these selves operate in your life and how they keep you from realizing your full potential.

    Learn how these selves determine the way you see the world, control your behavior, and limit your choices. Most of us live a much smaller life than necessary. Learn to be more than any one of your individual selves.
  • Relationship: Our relationships are controlled by these selves. 

    The Stones’ approach to relationship – their theory of bonding patterns – provides an easy to understand technology of relationship. Learn how the difficulties in your relationships can be the source of creative change, of greater control over your life and behavior, and more joy.
  • Energetics – interactions in “the field”. 

    Modern science and ancient wisdom both teach about the importance of what is not seen – of the field that surrounds matter. Our emphasis on the energetics of relationship enables you to work directly with this field in both your interpersonal and intrapsychic life.
  • Dreams – providing guidance from within.

    This work activates the “inner teacher”. As you learn about – and separate from – your individual selves, your own source of deep wisdom becomes available to you through dreams. Learning to understand your dreams and daydreams provides an objective and steady guidance that is particularly valuable in uncertain times.